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Journal : Global Medical and Health Communication

Deteksi Dini Penyakit Parkinson: Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Perilaku Petani Desa Tanjung Wangi Cicalengka Mengenai Bahaya Pestisida bagi Kesehatan Arief Budi Yulianti; Siska Nia Irasanti; Meta Maulida; Mia Kusmiati; Adhika Putra Rahmatullah
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 4, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (102.876 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v4i1.1730


Pestisida bersifat toksik bagi manusia dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Petani adalah kelompok masyarakat berisiko tinggi terpapar pestisida. Tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku petani mengenai bahaya pestisida sangat diperlukan agar keputusan untuk menggunakan pestisida sesuai dengan jenis, waktu, dan cara menjadi tepat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama bulan Maret–Juli 2015 dan merupakan penelitian observasional dengan subjek penelitian petani Desa Tanjung Wangi. Subjek penelitian diambil secara acak diperoleh 62 subjek penelitian yang terdiri atas 47 laki-laki dan 15 perempuan. Tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku diukur dengan kuesioner yang sudah divalidasi. Pengukuran gejala dini Parkinson menggunakan kuesioner PDQ39 yang sudah dimodifikasi. Diperoleh tingkat pengetahun dan sikap petani mengenai bahaya pestisida skor terendah 0,70 dan tertinggi 0,97 dengan nilai median 0,80 dan modus 0,79. Perilaku pestisida ini mengenai tata cara penggunaan pestisida skor terendah 0,64, tertinggi 1 dengan modus 0,84. Gejala dini Parkinson pada petani di Desa Tanjung Wangi skor tertendah 0,74 dan tertinggi 1 dengan nilai median 0,84 dan modus 0,91. Simpulan, pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku petani Desa Tanjung Wangi mengenai bahaya pestisida baik. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kuesioner tidak menggambarkan kondisi petani di lapangan. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena peneliti tidak memasukkan unsur ekonomi sebagai salah satu faktor penentu pengambilan keputusan menggunakan pestisida sehingga diperlukan upaya edukasi petani. DETECTION-EARLY OF PARKINSON'S DISEASE: KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES, AND BEHAVIOR FARMER IN DESA TANJUNG WANGI ABOUT PESTICIDES TOXICITIES TOWARD HEALTHPesticides are toxic for human and environment. Farmers are people at high risk of exposure to pesticides. The level of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of farmers about pesticides toxicity needed, so the decision to use pesticides be expected right. This research held on March–July 2015, observational method with subjects farmers in Desa Tanjung Wangi were taken randomly. Number of samples were 62 person consisted of 47 men and 15 women. The level of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and detectionearly of Parkinson’s disease were measured with a questionnaire PDQ39 modified. The lowest score of level knowledge and attitudes about pesticides toxicities was 0.70 and the highest was 0.97 with median and modus 0.80 and 0.79, respectively. The lowest score of behavior regarding the method of pesticides used was 0.64 and the highest was 1 with modus 0.84. The lowest score of detection-early of Parkinson’s disease was 0.74 and the highest was 1 with median and modus 0.84 and 0.91, respectively. In conclusions, farmers knowledge, attitudes and behavior regarding pesticides toxicities are good. But the questionnaire wasn’t describe the really condition in field, especially in economic issues that affecting decisions about pesticides to be used, so educating to understand about pesticides toxicities needs to be done.
Folic Acid Usual Doses Decrease the Buccal Micronucleus Frequency on Smokers Yuktiana Kharisma; Meta Maulida Damayanti; Fajar Awalia Yulianto; Santun Bhekti Rahimah; Winni Maharani; Meike Rachmawati; Herri S. Sastramihardja; Muhammad Alief Abdul ‘Aziiz; Muhammad Ilham Halim
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 7, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (89.007 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v7i2.4414


Cigarette contains toxic chemical compounds that trigger DNA instability. Initial genotoxic oral cavity characterized by the appearance of micronucleus (MN) in the buccal mucosa. Folate is needed in maintaining DNA stability. This study aimed to compare the effects of folic acid usual doses (400 mcg and 1.000 mcg) on the MN frequency of buccal mucosa in active smokers. It is a clinical trial conducted in November 2018 in the Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung of 53 active smokers who divided into two treatment groups. Group A was administered by 400 mcg and group B 1,000 mcg folic acid supplementation within three weeks. The buccal mucosa smear stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and observed through a light microscope with 100× and 400× magnification. Data were analyzed by the Wilcoxon test statistically. The results showed that there was a significant decrease (p=0.00) in MN frequency in folic acid supplementation for three weeks, namely group A=6.39±3.92 and group B=6.93±5.82 in pre-supplementation, and group A=3.80±2.66 and group B=3.31±2.71 post-supplementation of folic acid. Giving a dose of 400 mcg and 1,000 mcg for three weeks did not provide significant results (p=0.94) with Kruskal-Wallis test. In conclusion, administration of folic acid at usual dose give results to a decrease in the buccal mucosa MN frequency in active smokers. ASAM FOLAT DOSIS LAZIM MENURUNKAN FREKUENSI MIKRONUKLEUS MUKOSA BUKAL PADA PEROKOKAsap rokok mengandung senyawa kimia toksik yang memicu ketidakstabilan DNA. Deteksi genotoksik awal  rongga mulut ditandai dengan kemunculan mikronukleus (MN) pada mukosa bukal. Folat diperlukan dalam menjaga kestabilan DNA. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efek asam folat dosis lazim (400 mcg dan 1.000 mcg) terhadap frekuensi MN mukosa bukal pada perokok aktif. Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis yang dilakukan pada bulan November 2018 di Laboratorium Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Islam Bandung terhadap 53 perokok aktif yang dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok A mendapatkan suplementasi asam folat 400 mcg dan kelompok B mendapatkan suplementasi asam folat 1.000 mcg selama tiga pekan. Apus mukosa bukal diwarnai dengan hematoxylin-eosin (HE) dan diamati melalui mikroskop cahaya dengan pembesaran 100× dan 400x. Data dianalisis dengan uji Wilcoxon secara statistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat penurunan frekuensi MN yang signifikan (p=0.00) terhadap suplementasi asam folat selama tiga minggu, yaitu kelompok A=3,80±2,66 dan kelompok B=3,31±2,71 pada pre-suplementasi, serta kelompok A=6,39±3,92 dan kelompok B=6,93±5,82 pascasuplementasi asam folat. Pemberian dosis 400 mcg dan 1.000 mcg selama tiga minggu tidak memberikan hasil yang bermakna (p=0,94) berdasar atas Uji Kruskal-Wallis. Simpulan, pemberian asam folat dosis lazim memberikan hasil baik terhadap penurunan frekuensi MN mukosa bukal pada perokok aktif.
A Comparative Evaluation of Community Periodontal Index (CPI) and the Presence of Nicotine Stomatitis among Smokers after Oral Hygiene Instruction Meta Maulida Damayanti; Yuktiana Kharisma; Fajar Awalia Yulianto; Santun Bhekti Rahimah; Winni Maharani; Meike Rachmawati; Herri S. Sastramihardja; Muhammad Alief Abdul ‘Aziiz; Muhammad Ilham Halim
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1150.723 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v8i1.5915


Smoking can cause periodontal disease as well as lesions in the oral mucosa. Nicotine stomatitis is inflammation caused by heat stimuli injury on the hard and soft palate of the oral cavity; smokers commonly suffer from this condition. Knowledge of how oral hygiene affects the health of dental and oral cavity. The purpose of this study was to describe the differences in community periodontal index (CPI) and nicotine stomatitis in smokers after oral hygiene instruction. The study subjects were 54 men who have a history of active smoking for more than five years. The experiment was carried out in the Biomedical Laboratory of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Bandung in September 2018–January 2019. Dental examination initiated before and after dental health instructions. CPI and nicotine stomatitis tests performed on all subjects by dentists using dental instruments. After six weeks of information about oral hygiene, all subjects re-examined. The results show that there is a statistically significant difference in the average CPI value in smokers before and after dental instruction with a p value<0.001 (p≤0.05). In contrast, the condition of nicotine stomatitis remains the same. CPI value influenced by oral and dental hygiene showed that dental health instruction is very effective. However, stomatitis has not healed as long as the cause is not eliminated. EVALUASI KOMPARATIF COMMUNITY PERIODONTAL INDEX (CPI) DAN STOMATITIS NIKOTIN DI KALANGAN PEROKOK SETELAH INSTRUKSI KEBERSIHAN MULUTMerokok dapat menyebabkan penyakit pada periodontal maupun lesi pada mukosa mulut. Stomatitis nikotin merupakan inflamasi yang disebabkan oleh panas yang terdapat pada palatum keras dan lunak; perokok umumnya menderita kondisi ini. Pengetahuan mengenai tata cara kebersihan mulut memengaruhi kesehatan gigi dan rongga mulut. Tujuan penelitian ini menilai perbedaan community periodontal index (CPI) dan stomatitis nikotin pada perokok setelah instruksi kebersihan mulut. Subjek penelitian adalah 54 pria yang memiliki riwayat merokok aktif selama lebih dari lima tahun. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Biomedik, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Islam Bandung pada bulan September 2018–Januari 2019. Pemeriksaan dental dilakukan sebelum dan setelah instruksi kesehatan gigi. Pemeriksaan CPI dan stomatitis nikotin dilakukan kepada seluruh subjek oleh dokter gigi menggunakan instrumen gigi. Setelah enam minggu mendapatkan penyuluhan mengenai kebersihan mulut, seluruh subjek diperiksa kembali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik nilai CPI rerata pada perokok sebelum dengan setelah dilakukan instruksi kesehatan gigi dengan p<0,001 (p≤0,05). Sebaliknya, kondisi stomatitis nikotin tetap sama. Nilai CPI dipengaruhi oleh kebersihan gigi dan mulut sehingga instruksi kesehatan gigi sangat efektif. Akan tetapi, stomatitis tidak dapat sembuh selama penyebabnya tidak dihentikan.
Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica L.) Ethanol Extract on Sepsis Mice Model Body Weight and Sepsis Score Mirasari Putri; Neni Anggraeni; Raden Aliya Tresna M. D.; Ghaliby Ardhia Ramli; Mia Kusmiati; Yuke Andriane; Eka Hendryanny; Abdul Hadi Hassan; Meta Maulida Damayanti; Nugraha Sutadipura; Mas Rizky A. A. Syamsunarno
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 8, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v8i3.6604


Sepsis causes damage for cells, behavioral phenotype regression, and will end in most patients' death. The ethanol extract of cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica L.)  acts as an antioxidant. This study aimed to observe the effect of giving ECGR to body weight (BW) and the sepsis score of the sepsis mice model by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induction. This study was an in vivo study with a randomized post-test controlled group design at the Animal Laboratory of Universitas Padjadjaran, 2018. We used 4 (four) groups of male mice (Mus musculus) DDY strains. Group 1 as a control, group 2: LPS 10 μL/kgBW, group 3, and 4: LPS+ECGR (90 mg/kgBW, and a dose of 115 mg/kgBW, respectively). This treatment was performed for two weeks. Every three days, we measured their body weight. After two weeks, group 2, group 3, and 4 were injected with LPS for 8 hours to induce sepsis. Next, we measured body weight and sepsis score using murine sepsis score (MSS). Then statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA and the Kruskal-Wallis test. The results showed no differences in body weight were found in the treatment groups (3 and 4) compared with control, suggesting no effect of ECGR in decreasing mice body weight. The sepsis score was more than 21 in groups treated with LPS (2, 3, and 4), suggesting LPS can induce sepsis. There was a slight decrease in scores in-group 3 and 4 compared with group 2. This study concludes that the treatment of ECGR caused no harm to body weight and slightly decreased sepsis score in the sepsis mice model. EKSTRAK ETANOL ALANG-ALANG (IMPERATA CYLINDRICA L.) TERHADAP BOBOT BADAN DAN SKOR SEPSIS MENCIT MODEL SEPSISSepsis menyebabkan kerusakan sel, regresi fenotipe perilaku, dan akan berakhir kematian pada sebagian besar pasien. Ekstrak etanol akar alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica L.) (ECGR) berperan sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ECGR terhadap bobot badan (BB) dan skor sepsis pada mencit model sepsis yang diinduksi lipopolisakarida (LPS). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian in vivo dengan desain randomized post-test controlled group di Laboratoium Hewan Universitas Padjadjaran tahun 2018. Kami menggunakan 4 (empat) kelompok mencit jantan (Mus musculus) strain DDY. Kelompok 1 sebagai kontrol, kelompok 2 diinduksi LPS 10 μL/kgBB, kelompok 3 dan 4 diinduksi LPS+ECGR (dosis 90 mg/kgBB dan 115 mg/kgBB masing-masing). Perlakuan ini dilakukan selama 2 minggu. Setiap tiga hari dilakukan pengukuran bobot badan mencit. Setelah dua minggu, kelompok 2, kelompok 3, dan kelompok 4 diinjeksi LPS selama 8 jam untuk menginduksi sepsis. Selanjutnya, diukur bobot badan dan skor sepsis menggunakan murine sepsis score (MSS). Analisis statistik menggunakan ANOVA dan Uji Kruskal-Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan bobot badan pada kelompok perlakuan (3 dan 4) dibanding dengan kelompok kontrol yang menunjukkan ECGR tidak berpengaruh dalam menurunkan bobot badan mencit. Skor sepsis lebih dari 21 pada kelompok yang diinduksi LPS (2, 3, dan 4) menunjukkan LPS dapat menyebabkan sepsis. Terdapat sedikit penurunan skor pada kelompok 3 dan 4 dibanding dengan kelompok 2. Simpulan penelitian ini, pengobatan ECGR tidak membahayakan bobot badan dan mengakibatkan sedikit penurunan skor sepsis pada mencit model sepsis.
Histopathology of Nephrotoxicity Associated with Administered Water Extract Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) in Mice (Mus musculus) in Stratified Phases of Dose Meta Maulida Damayanti; Raden Anita Indriyanti; Yuktiana Kharisma; Yuke Andriane; Uci Ari Lantika; Ratna Damailia; Meike Rachmawati
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 10, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v10i3.9662


The main aim of the registered purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is to provide minimize the adverse chemical drugs, in addition to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects. Potentially adverse effects may be observed in laboratory animals in particular, the extent to which this administration can cause toxicity. This study aimed to examine the histopathology of nephrotoxicity associated with administered water extracts of purple sweet potato in mice with stratified doses. The study was conducted at the Biomedical Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung on September 2019. Female mice (Mus musculus) strain Swiss Webster, aged between 6–8 weeks weighing 25 to 30 g, were obtained from Biopharma Laboratory, Bandung. The animal was acclimatized for seven days before being administered water extract purple sweet potato: eleven mice, one control group, and ten treatment groups underwent toxicity doses of purple sweet potato water extract administration. Purple sweet potato variant of Ayamurasaki prepared in various oral doses. The results show in the control group there were no histopathological changes, but in the group administered water extract purple sweet potato from the first phase seems in a mild grade of macrophage accumulation, mild vacuolization of tubular epithelial cells, mild vascular dilatation, and mild hydrophilic degeneration. In the second phase, macrophage accumulation was visible in moderate grades. The LD50 of purple sweet potato extract is greater than 5,000 mg/kgBW. The findings of this study indicate that registration of purple sweet potato extract in confirmatory doses is safe to administer and did not exhibit any mortality. The toxicity test of purple sweet potato water extracts in the kidney exhibits minimal chemical effects.
Clove Extract and Grape Seed Oil Nanoemulsion for Oral Diseases Therapy: Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities Julia Hartati; Meta Maulida Damayanti; Ismet Muchtar Nur; Annisa Rahmah Furqaani; Ajeng Kartika Sari; Meike Rachmawati; Tita Barriah Siddiq; Taufik Muhammad Fakih; Faqih Radina
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 11, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v11i3.12916


The growth of micro-organisms that acquire resistance to most commercially available antibiotics is occurring rapidly. Consequently, a pressing necessity exists to identify and detect new antimicrobial substances. This study aimed to analyze the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of nanoemulsion clove extract and grape seed oil. This research was conducted in June 2023 using experimental methods at the Research Laboratory of the Universitas Islam Bandung Pharmaceutical Study Program by developing a nanoemulsion preparation containing clove extract (Syzygium aromaticum L.) and grape seed oil (Vitis vinifera L.). Antioxidant activity was tested using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. Antibacterial activity was tested using the agar diffusion method by measuring the growth inhibitory diameter of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans bacteria and divided into four groups formulas based on the addition of clove extract with different concentrations in the nanoemulsion base (FA=0.25%, FB=0.5%, FC=0.75%, and FD=1%) to see the best results. The result shows nanoemulsion preparations have antioxidant properties in the DPPH test. The FA formula has the highest IC50, namely 1,117.56 ppm. The antibacterial activity of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans has an inhibition zone, although it is still in the category of inhibiting bacterial growth, but does not kill growth. The nanoemulsion formulation, comprising clove extract and grape seed oil, has exhibited exceptional antioxidant properties and substantial antimicrobial efficacy against prevalent oral bacterial strains.